Our Dermatology Department carries out 3,398 operations each year and has 14 medical professionals with sub-specialities in different treatment areas. We're a leading centre in preventing and treating skin cancer, as well as experts in dermatological surgery, Mohs micrographic surgery, and photodynamic therapy. Our most renowned units are the skin oncology unit, skin ultrasounds, phototherapy, and aesthetic dermatology, which uses laser or pulsed light treatments.

We study, prevent, diagnose, medically and surgically treat, and monitor diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails in adults and children alike. We lead the way when it comes to detecting and treating skin cancer (Mohs micrographic surgery, biological and photodynamic therapy, and digitised monitoring of melanocytic lesions). We offer personalised care through multidisciplinary teams according to the treatment you need.
- We use the latest techniques to quickly diagnose skin cancer and determine the state of the disease.
- We're leaders in treating skin tumours.
- Our varied treatment arsenal allows us to offer each patient the best customised treatment.
- We also undertake teaching activity accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Health where we offer training on the MIR (resident medical intern) programme.
- Our personalised treatments are devised according to the patient's needs.