Dra. Ainhoa Marinas Alejo
Dra. Ainhoa Marinas Alejo
Consultant physician and neurologist in the Clinical Neurosciences Unit at Gipuzkoa Polyclinic
Clinical area
Dr Ainhoa Marinas Alejo has extensive professional experience as a neurologist specialising in epilepsy. During her career, she has taken part in numerous scientific papers and research studies in the field of neurology. Furthermore, she is a lecturer on the master's degree programme in neurological emergencies at the University of the Basque Country and in the Faculty of Medicine at Deusto University.

Professional experience
- Neurologist. Donostia Hospital (San Sebastián).
- Neurologist specialising in epilepsy. Epilepsy Unit. Neurology Department. Ruber International Hospital, Madrid.
- Neurologist specialising in epilepsy. Epilepsy Unit. Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital, Madrid.
- Neurologist specialising in epilepsy. Coordinator of the CSUR Unit for Refractory Epilepsy. Cruces University Hospital, Barakaldo.
Membership in scientific societies
- Spanish Society for Epilepsy (SEEP).
- Spanish Society for Neurology (SEN).
- Basque Society for Neurology (SNPV).
Research and teaching
- Research fellow. Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. Columbia Presbyterian Center (Columbia University), New York.
- Medical researcher and neurologist. Rare Diseases CIBER. Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital, Madrid.
- Head of the epilepsy group (nervous system diseases area). Biocruces Research Institute. Cruces University Hospital.
- Lecturer on the master's degree programme on neurological emergencies, University of the Basque Country.
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine at Deusto University.
- Co-researcher in three phase 2 and five phase 3 clinical trials with antiepileptic drugs. Lead researcher in two phase 3 trials with antiepileptic drugs.
- Co-researcher. EPICURE (Functional genomics and neurobiology of epilepsy: A basis for new therapeutic strategies). European Project.
- Co-researcher. Genetics of idiopathic epilepsy. SAF 2007-61003.
- Lead researcher. Estudio de las alteraciones del sistema nervioso vegetativo en pacientes con epilepsia refractaria en tratamiento con estimulador del nervio vago (Study of alterations to the autonomic nervous system in patients with refractory epilepsy undergoing vagus nerve stimulation treatment). 2011111037 (Health Department of the Basque Government) and SAIO12-PR12BF002 (Industry Department). Cruces University Hospital.
- More than 30 presentations at national and international neurology and epilepsy conferences.
- Marinas A, Gutierrez-Gutierrez G, Marti-Masso JF. Post-menopausal hot flushes and parkinsonism. Rev Neurol. 2004 Nov 1-15; 39(9):896-7.
- A. Marinas Alejo, G. Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, N. Carrera Goñi. "Encefalopatía posterior reversible producida por tacrolimus" (Posterior reversible encephalopathy caused by tacrolimus). Neurología, Sep 05 Vol 20 (7): 87.
- G. Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, A. Marinas Alejo, J. Bautista Espinal, R. Sebastián, J.F. Martí Massó." Romboencefalitis por Listeria de presentación equívoca" (Rhombencephalitis caused by misleading presentation of listeria). Neurología, Dec 05 Vol 20 (10): 694-97.
- A. Gil-Nagel Rein, A. Marinas Alejo. "Calidad de vida en la epilepsia" (Quality of life with epilepsy). In: P. Martínez Martín. "Calidad de vida en neurología" (Quality of life in neurology). Ars Médica 2006.
- A. Marinas, A. Gil-Nagel. "Manifestaciones emocionales de las crisis epilépticas" (Emotional manifestations of epileptic seizures). In: Timely Topics in Medicine. Prous Science, 2006.
- García Morales I, Marinas A, del Barrio A, Alvarez-Linera J, Herranz JL, Smeyers P, Gil-Nagel A. "Hamartomas Hipotalámicos: características clínicas, Electroencefalograma y Resonancia Magnética Cerebral en 10 pacientes" (Hypothalamic hamartomas: clinical characteristics, electroencephalogram and brain magnetic resonance imaging in 10 patients). Neurología 2007 January-February; 22(1): 11-8.
- Guia de Neuroimagen Funcional en Epilepsia. Guía Oficial para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Epilepsia 2008. (Functional Neuroimage Guide in Epilepsy. Official guide for diagnosing and treating epilepsy 2008). Spanish Society for Neurology.
- Marinas A, Villanueva V, Giraldez GB, Molins A, Salas-Puig J, Serratosa JM. Efficacy and tolerability of zonisamide in idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders, 2009; 11(1): 61-6.
- Giráldez GB, Marinas A, Guerrero R, Sanz R, Serratosa JM. Genotype-phenotype relationships in epilepsies caused by channel mutations. In Genetics of Epilepsy and Genetic Epilepsies. G. Avanzini and J. Noebels, 2009 John Libbey Eurotext, pp 79-88.
- González Giráldez B, Marinas Alejo A (2011). Epilepsias mioclónicas progresivas (Progressive myoclonic epilepsies). In: Tratado de Epilepsia; pp 419-434.
- Marinas A, Elices E, Gil-Nagel A, Salas-Puig J, Sánchez JC, Carreño M, Villanueva V, Rosendo J, Porcel J, Serratosa JM. Socio-occupational and employment profile of patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 2011; 21(3): 223-7.
- García-Cabrero AM, Marinas A, Guerrero R, de Córdoba SR, Serratosa JM, Sánchez MP. Laforin and malin deletions in mice produce similar neurologic impairments. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2012; 71(5): 413-21.
- Sánchez-Álvarez JC, Mauri-Llerda JA, Gil-Nagel A, Casas-Fernández C, Salas-Puig J, Lahuerta J, Sancho-Rieger J; Epilepsy Study Group of the Spanish Society for Neurology (including Marinas-Alejo A.). Consensus-recommended diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for drug-resistant epilepsy in Spain (Consenso RATE-España). Neurologia. 2012 Oct; 27(8):481-90.
- Galbariatu L, Pomposo I, Aurrecoechea J, Marinas A, Agúndez M, Gómez JC, Acera MA, Martínez MJ, Valle E, Maestro I, Mateos B, Cabrera A, Fernández J, Iturri F, Garamendi I. Vagus nerve stimulation therapy for treatment-resistant epilepsy: A 15-year experience at a single institution. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2015; 137: 89-93.
- Abiega O, Beccari S, Diaz-Aparicio I, Nadjar A, Layé S, Leyrolle Q, Gómez-Nicola D, Domercq M, Pérez-Samartín A, Sánchez-Zafra V, Paris I, Valero J, Savage JC, Hui CW, Tremblay MÈ, Deudero JJ, Brewster AL, Anderson AE, Zaldumbide L, Galbarriatu L, Marinas A, Vivanco Md, Matute C, Maletic-Savatic M, Encinas JM, Sierra A. Neuronal Hyperactivity Disturbs ATP Microgradients, Impairs Microglial Motility, and Reduces Phagocytic Receptor Expression Triggering Apoptosis/Microglial Phagocytosis Uncoupling. PLoS Biol. 2016 May 26;14(5):e1002466
- Garamendi-Ruiz I, García-García ME, Bertol-Alegre V, Mauri-Llerda JÁ, García-Morales I, Garayoa-Irigoyen V, Agúndez-Sarasola M, De Toledo-Heras M, García-Morales V, García-Gomara MJ, Arcos-Sánchez C, Gago-Veiga A, Escalza-Cortina I, Rueda-Mena E, Muñoz-Fargas E, Santos-Lasaosa S, Oliván-Usieto JA, Julián LD, Gómez-Esteban JC, Marinas-Alejo A. One-year clinical experience of perampanel in Spain: a multicentre study of efficacy and tolerability. Epileptic Disord. 2016, Jun 1;18(2):173-80.
- Garamendi I, Acera M, Agundez M, Galbarriatu L, Marinas A, Pomposo I, Valle E, Palma JA, Gomez-Esteban JC. Cardiovascular autonomic and hemodynamic responses to vagus nerve stimulation in drug-resistant epilepsy. Seizure. 2016 Dec 2;45:56-60. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2016.11.018. [Epub ahead of print]
- Santamarina E, González-Cuevas M, Toledo M, Jiménez M, Becerra JL, Quílez A, Suller A, Mauri JA, Fernández Á, Marinas A, Quintana M, Puig XS. Intravenous lacosamide (LCM) in status epilepticus (SE): Weight-adjusted dose and efficacy. Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Jul;84:93-98.
- Moreno-Estébanez A, Marinas Alejo A, Ontiveros Navarro SJ, Bilbao Villabeitia I. Epilepsy: A story of voices and ghosts. Neurologia. 2020 Oct;35(8):608-611.
- Muro-García T, Martín-Suárez S, Espinosa N, Valcárcel-Martín R, Marinas A, Zaldumbide L, Galbarriatu L, Sierra A, Fuentealba P, Encinas JM. Reactive Disruption of the Hippocampal Neurogenic Niche After Induction of Seizures by Injection of Kainic Acid in the Amygdala. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2019 Aug 20;7:158.
- Santamarina E, Bertol V, Garayoa V, García-Gomara MJ, Garamendi-Ruiz I, Giner P, Aranzábal I, Piera A, Arcos C, Esteve P, Marinas A, García-Escrivá A, Viloria-Alebesque A, Loro FA, de Tienda AP, Olivan JA, Bonet M, Dávila-González P, Sivera R, Molins A, Sansa G, Roche JC, Martínez AB, Monteagudo S, Casadevall T. Efficacy and tolerability of perampanel as a first add-on therapy with different anti-seizure drugs.
- Seizure. 2020 Dec;83:48-56.
- Marinas A, Serrano P. Tratamiento agudo y crónico en situaciones especiales. Capítulo de la Guía de Epilepsia de la Sociedad Española de Neurología, 2019 (Acute and chronic treatment in special circumstances. Chapter of the Epilepsy Guide by the Spanish Society for Neurology, 2019).
ANEP project assessor.
Stay in foreign centers
Research fellow. Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. Columbia Presbyterian Center (Columbia University), New York (USA).
Training in stereoelectroencephalography. Epilepsiezentrum Freiburg. Germany.
Languages for clinical practice
Spanish and English.