Dr. Julio Carballo
Dr. Julio Carballo
Over the last 18 years, Dr. Carballo has performed over 1,200 procedures annually in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic interventional cardiology (diagnostic cardiac catheterisation, coronary angioplasty with stent insertion, percutaneous treatment for structural heart diseases such as ASD/VSD closure, percutaneous aortic valve replacement, etc.).

- Between 2003 and 2006, as well as his work at the Haemodynamics Unit of the Sant Jordi Cardiovascular Institute, he was appointed Joint Head of the Haemodynamics Unit at Guipúzcoa Polyclinic in San Sebastián, where around 6000 diagnostic catheterisations and 3000 percutaneous coronary intervention procedures were performed during the same period.
- In 2004, the Haemodynamics division of the Spanish Society of Cardiology created the title of Accredited Cardiologist for the practice of Haemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology.
- He is currently Head of the Haemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology Unit at the Sant Jordi Cardiovascular Institute and Teknon Medical Centre.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.
- Member of the European Society of Cardiology.
16 publications in national and international journals on the speciality:
- Clinical Infectious Diseases. Impact Factor: 8.88:
TITLE: Clinical Outcome and Long-Term Prognosis of Late Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis: A 20-Year Experience. REF. JOURNAL/BOOK: Clinical Infectious Diseases, 24: 381-6 (1997). Pilar Tornos, Benito Almirante, Montserrat Olona, Gaietà Permanyer, Teresa González, Julio Carballo, Albert Pahissa, Jordi Soler Soler.
- Spanish Journal of Cardiology. Impact Factor: 4.48.
The PLAU P141L single nucleotide polymorphism is associated with collateral circulation in patients with coronary artery disease (project granted by La Marató on TV3).
Joan Durana, Pilar Sánchez-Olavarríaab, Marina Molaac, Víctor Götzensa, Julio Carballo, Eva Martín-Pelegrinad, Màrius Petitd, Bruno García del Blancoe, David García-Doradoe, Josep M. de Antaa.
Spanish Journal of Cardiology. 2014;67:552-7. - Vol. 67 No.07 DOI: 10.1016/j.revesp.2013.11.022
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