Dr. Antonio Allona
Dr. Antonio Allona
Director of the Urology Unit at Ruber International Hospital.
Clinical area
Dr. Antonio Allona is a member of the Spanish Association of Urology, a consultant in his speciality and an expert on prostate cancer.

Professional experience
- Head of Urology and Andrology at Ruber International Hospital (1993-present).
- Doctor at the Urology Department, Ramón y Cajal Hospital (1981-2010).
- Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Granada (1977).
- Special Degree Award (1977) from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Granada.
- Foreign Medical Exam (1980).
- Title of Fellow of the European Board of Urology (1992).
- Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Alcalá de Henares, with the thesis "Mechanically detubularised ileal reservoir as a bladder replacement plasty." Unanimous Cum Laude qualification (1997).
Membership in scientific societies
- Member of numerous scientific associations, including: Spanish Association of Urology* (General Secretary for 8 years); Spanish Association of Andrology*; European Association of Urology*; American Urological Association; International Society of Urology; American Confederation of Urology* (*member of the Board of Directors).
- Member of the National Commission for the speciality of Urology (1986-2004).
Research and teaching
- Professor of Urology at the University of Alcalá de Henares until 2010.
- Author of numerous publications: books, journals, presentations to conferences.
- Organiser and participant as an invited professor and surgeon at many courses.
Languages for clinical practice
- Spanish
- English