Dr. Maider Martos Martin
Dr. Maider Martos Martin
Digestive system specialist at Gipuzkoa Polyclinic
Clinical area
Dr Maider Martos Martín has vast experience in the digestive system as a gastrointestinal surgeon. She specialises in gastroenterology and general hepatology, as well as basic and advanced endoscopy.

Professional experience
- Specialist attending physician in the Digestive System Department at Donostia University Hospital, 2012-present.
- Digestive system specialist at Gipuzkoa Polyclinic, 2022-present.
Membership in scientific societies
- Spanish Society of Digestive Pathology (SEPD).
- Spanish Association of Pancreatology (AESPANC).
- Spanish Association of Gastroenterology (AEG).
- Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH).
- Basque-Navarre Society for Gastroenterology.
Research and teaching
- Master's in advanced digestive endoscopy.
- Involved in several registries within the Spanish Society for Gastroenterology. Red-Cap Platform, currently the Basque-Navarre Registry for Chronic Pancreatitis (PaN-Eus).
Languages for clinical practice
Spanish, Basque and English.