Дипломированный врач и хирург. Специализация по сердечно-сосудистой хирургии. Специализация по общей хирургии и хирургии пищеварительной системы. Многопрофильная клиника GPZK
Области медицинской специализации
Dr Alberto Sáenz Berbejillo is a nationally and internationally renowned cardiovascular surgeon. He currently collaborates in the cardiovascular surgery departments of several hospitals throughout Spain. Over the course of his professional career, he has combined his care activities with teaching and research, participating in several experimental studies.

Профессиональный опыт
- Surgeon in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department. Gipuzkoa Polyclinic.
- Surgeon in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department. San José Hospital. Vitoria.
- Surgeon in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department. Recoletas-Reyes Católicos Hospital. Burgos.
- Surgeon in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department. Viamed Los Manzanos Hospital. La Rioja.
- Surgeon in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department. Viamed Montecanal Hospital. Zaragoza.
Членство в научных обществах
- Spanish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery.
- Basque-Navarre Society of Cardiology.
- Spanish Society of Cardiology.
- The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.
Исследовательская и преподавательская деятельность
- Assistant lecturer to the chair of surgical pathology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of the Basque Country.
Involved in the following experimental and research studies:
- "Utilización de Láser Transmiocárdico (TRM) en revascularización miocárdica en el animal de experimentación. Control y valoración de los resultados como paso previo a su utilización en la práctica clínica en nuestro medio." (Use of Transmyocardial Laser in myocardial revascularisation (TRM) in the experimental animal. Control and assessment of the results as a step prior to its use in clinical practice in our environment).
- "Degeneración de válvulas bioprotésicas de pericardio bovino." (Degeneration of bovine periocardium bioprosthesis valves).
- "Calcificación de válvulas biológicas." (Calcification of biological valves).
- "Utilización de parches de PTF para cierre pericárdico." (Use of PTFE patches in pericardial closure).
- "Cardiomioplastia en animales de experimentación. Tratamiento quirúrgico y seguimiento, como paso previo a la Cardiomioplastia en la práctica quirúrgica en nuestro Servicio." (Cardiomyoplasty in experimental animals. Surgical treatment and monitoring as a step prior to cardiomyoplasty being used in surgical practice in our department).
- "Utilización de circuitos de superficie Bio-activa en la cirugía con circulación extracorpórea en animales de experimentación con disminución en la dosis de heparina. Control y valoración de resultados como paso previo a su utilización en la práctica clínica en nuestro medio." (Use of bioactive surface circuits in surgery with extracorporeal circulation in experimental animals with a reduced dose of heparin. Control and assessment of the results as a step prior to its use in clinical practice in our environment).
Языки, используемые в клинической практике
Spanish, English and French.