Dr. Rafael Laredo Rivero
Dr. Rafael Laredo Rivero
Coordinator of the Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery service at Hospital Quirónsalud Toledo.
Области медицинской специализации
- Articular cartilage pathology.
- Hip Pathology.
- Knee Pathology.
- Ankle and foot Pathology.
- Shoulder Pathology.
- Elbow Pathology.
- Wrist and hand Pathology.
- Orthopedics.
- Arthroscopic Surgery
- Biological Therapies.
- Osteosynthesis of fractures.
- Musculoskeletal tumors.
- Neuro-orthopedics.
- Spinal Pathology.
- Sports Traumatology
- Arthroscopy and reconstructive sugery
- Joint Prosthetic surgery
- Microsurgery

Профессиональный опыт
- Head of Service and member of the hand, wrist and elbow unit of the Hospital Quirónsalud Toledo.
- Member of the hand and elbow unit of the Hospital Quirónsalud Madrid.
- Teacher and researcher in courses, congresses and national and international publications.
Членство в научных обществах
- Member of the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Hand Surgery (2015).
- Member of the European Society of Hand Surgery (2017)
Исследовательская и преподавательская деятельность
- Professor of the Arthex Advanced Wrist Arthroscopy Course (December 2019- Munich)
- Professor of the VI Basic and Advanced Course of Wrist Arthroscopy by Drs. Corella and Ocampos (March and November 2019- Complutense University of Madrid).
- Professor of the course "Surgical Techniques in Traumatic Pathology of the elbow and wrist" of Acumed (October 2019-Compltense University of Madrid).
- Microsurgery instructor in the I and II Micro and Hand Course "Pedro Máquina Dr. Laredo Teaching" (March 2018/May 2019 Zaragoza).
- Professor of the I Microsurgery Course of Toledo (February 2018-Paraplegic Hospital of Toledo).
- Organizer and teacher at the XXV Anniversary of the major ambulatory surgery unit of the Toledo Hospital Complex ( October 2017 Toledo)
- Professor at the VIII and XIX Institutional Courses of the Spanish Society of Hand Surgery ( May 2017/June 2018 CEU Madrid University).
- Microsurgery Instructor XXV-XXXI courses in microsurgery Hand MAZ (2011-2017 Zaragoza).
- Tutor of residents of orthopedic surgery and traumatology (2012 Hospital Toledo Complex)
Пребывание в зарубежных центрах
Specialized training at the Christine M. Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery in Louisville (Kentucky, USA).
Языки, используемые в клинической практике