Dr. Rafael Laredo Rivero
Dr. Rafael Laredo Rivero
Coordinator of the Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery service at Hospital Quirónsalud Toledo.
Klinische Bereiche
- Articular cartilage pathology.
- Hip Pathology.
- Knee Pathology.
- Ankle and foot Pathology.
- Shoulder Pathology.
- Elbow Pathology.
- Wrist and hand Pathology.
- Orthopedics.
- Arthroscopic Surgery
- Biological Therapies.
- Osteosynthesis of fractures.
- Musculoskeletal tumors.
- Neuro-orthopedics.
- Spinal Pathology.
- Sports Traumatology
- Arthroscopy and reconstructive sugery
- Joint Prosthetic surgery
- Microsurgery

- Head of Service and member of the hand, wrist and elbow unit of the Hospital Quirónsalud Toledo.
- Member of the hand and elbow unit of the Hospital Quirónsalud Madrid.
- Teacher and researcher in courses, congresses and national and international publications.
Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Vereinigungen
- Member of the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Hand Surgery (2015).
- Member of the European Society of Hand Surgery (2017)
Forschung und Lehre
- Professor of the Arthex Advanced Wrist Arthroscopy Course (December 2019- Munich)
- Professor of the VI Basic and Advanced Course of Wrist Arthroscopy by Drs. Corella and Ocampos (March and November 2019- Complutense University of Madrid).
- Professor of the course "Surgical Techniques in Traumatic Pathology of the elbow and wrist" of Acumed (October 2019-Compltense University of Madrid).
- Microsurgery instructor in the I and II Micro and Hand Course "Pedro Máquina Dr. Laredo Teaching" (March 2018/May 2019 Zaragoza).
- Professor of the I Microsurgery Course of Toledo (February 2018-Paraplegic Hospital of Toledo).
- Organizer and teacher at the XXV Anniversary of the major ambulatory surgery unit of the Toledo Hospital Complex ( October 2017 Toledo)
- Professor at the VIII and XIX Institutional Courses of the Spanish Society of Hand Surgery ( May 2017/June 2018 CEU Madrid University).
- Microsurgery Instructor XXV-XXXI courses in microsurgery Hand MAZ (2011-2017 Zaragoza).
- Tutor of residents of orthopedic surgery and traumatology (2012 Hospital Toledo Complex)
Aufenthalte im Ausland
Specialized training at the Christine M. Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery in Louisville (Kentucky, USA).
Sprachen für die klinische Praxis