Dra. Lourdes Ruiz Vera
Dra. Lourdes Ruiz Vera
Ophtalmologue de la Polyclinique de Gipuzkoa
Domaine clinique
Dr Lourdes Ruiz Vera has more than ten years of experience in ophthalmology. She specialises in paediatric ophthalmology: strabismus, lazy eye, etc. In addition, she has been involved in several research studies on eye surgery.

Expérience professionnelle
- 2008-2020. Condal Institute of Ophthalmology. ICO. Barcelona.
- 2008-2016. GMA. Barcelona
- 2009-2014. Advanced Ophthalmology Department. Barcelona.
- 2016-2019. Can Mora Paediatric Medical Centre. Sant Cugat.
- 2017. Attending physician at large. San Pau Hospital.
- 2017-2019, Nens Hospital. Barcelona. Paediatric Ophthalmology Department.
- 2019. Catalonia General Hospital. Sant Cugat.
- 2020 to present. Quirónsalud Hospital. San Sebastián.
- 2020 to present. Gipuzkoa Polyclinic. San Sebastián.
Appartenance à des sociétés scientifiques
Spanish Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology.
Recherche et enseignement
- 2008-2010, Disección y aislamientos de tejido retiniano para cultivo, en ojos del Banco de ojos (Dissection and isolation of retinal tissue for cultivation, in eyes in the eye bank). Barraquer Institute. Barcelona. Spain.
- 2008-2010, Barraquer Clinic Research Programme. Barcelona. Spain.
- Research work: Resultados Post operatorio de Membrana@ Epirretiniana por 23 G (Post-operative results of epiretinal membrane via 23 G). (Barraquer Institute 2008-2009).
- Research work: Implante Primario de Lentes Intraoculares en pacientes con Catarata Congénita (Primary intraocular lens implant in patients with congenital cataract). (Barraquer Institute 2008-2009).
- Research work: Complicaciones post operatorias en la Queratoprótesis de Boston (Post-operative complications in Boston keratoprosthesis). (Barraquer Institute 2008-2009).
- Research work: Evolución posquirúrgica de Resección en Cuña en pacientes con Queratocono (Post-operative evolution of wedge resection in patients with keratoconus). (Barraquer Institute 2008-2009).
- Desarrollo de un modelo predictivo para el Implante de anillo intracorneales y estudio de su impacto en la calidad de vida del paciente (Development of a predictive model for intracorneal ring implants and study of their impact on the patient's quality of life). (Multi-centre study. Carlos III Institute).
Langues pour la pratique clinique
Spanish, English and French.