Dr. Carles Agustí García-Navarro
Dr. Carles Agustí García-Navarro
Renowned pulmonologist, with work experience in the United States, France and Spain, and specialized in the EBUS technique (endobronchial ultrasound), Dr. Agustí García-Navarro, is head of the Pulmonology and Allergy service at Quirónsalud Barcelona Hospital, head of the Diagnostic Respiratory Division of the Pneumology Service at Hospital Clínic Barcelona and an associated doctor at Sagrat Cor University Hospital in Barcelona.
During his professional career, Dr. Agustí García-Navarro has conducted multiple research studies in bronchoscopy, pulmonary complications in immunocompromised patients, lung cancer and inflammatory response in pulmonary infections. He has been an investigator in 17 research projects financed by official organizations and associations, and is the author of 120 international and national articles in peer-reviewed journals.

- Head of the Pulmonology and Allergy Service at Quirónsalud Hospital in Barcelona (since 2007).
- Head of the Diagnostic Respiratory Division, Pulmonology Department, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (since 2018).
- Director at Agusti Vidal Pulmonology and Allergy Institute.
- Pulmonology consultant at Sagrat Cor University Hospital.
- Senior consultant, Pulmonology Division Hospital Clinic Barcelona (since 2009).
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. Cardiovascular Research Institute. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA. 1995-1997
- Stay as a "Medecin Assistant" in bronchoscopy during 3 months (September-December). Service d'Explorations Endoscopiques de l'Appareil Respiratoire Hopital Albert Calmette de Lille France. 1993
- Medical Registrar (equivalent to Assistant Professor), Pulmonology Division, Endoscopy Section, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona (Spain). 1989
- Doctor in Medicine (equivalent to PhD), School of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain (Qualified "Magna Cum Laudae Honour"). 1989
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Hospital Clínic Barcelona, Spain. 1988
- European Respiratory Society (ERS)
- Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR).
- Catalan Society of Pulmonology (SOCAP)
- Catalan Foundation of Pneumology (FUCAP)
Research fields:
- Bronchoscopy.
- Pulmonary complications in immunocompromised patients.
- Lung cancer.
- Inflammatory response in pulmonary infections.
- Principal investigator in 10 research projects financed by official organizations:
- 6 projects financed by the Health Research Fund (FISS)
- 3 projects financed by the Research and Technological Innovation Commission (CIRIT)
- 1 regional project (La Marató de TV3 Foundation)
- Researcher in 7 projects financed by non-official organizations:
- 4 state projects by the "Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery" (SEPAR).
- 3 regional projects: by the Catalan Pulmonology Society/Foundation (SOCAP/FUCAP).
- Author and co-author of 120 international and national articles in peer-review journals. (F.I. 111).
- Scopus author identifier: 3,573 citations per 3,151 documents. H-index: 30.
- Stay as a "Medecin Assistant" in bronchoscopy during 3 months (September-December). Service d'Explorations Endoscopiques de l'Appareil Respiratoire Hopital Albert Calmette de Lille (France). 1993
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. Cardiovascular Research Institute. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA (USA). 1995-1997
- English
- Spanish
- French