د./ أليخاندرو جونثاليز دياز
د./ أليخاندرو جونثاليز دياز
طبيب مساعد متخصص في المسالك البولية. قسم المسالك البولية. مستوصف جيبوزكوا
المجال السريري
Dr Alejandro González Díaz has developed his professional career in urology, general surgery and oncology. He has specialised in laparoscopy, robotic surgery and endourology (lithiasis, BPH, Holmium laser). He has published several scientific papers and has taken part in 35 communications and 5 videos, both nationally and internationally.

الخبرة المهنية
- Resident medical intern in urology. 12 de Octubre University Hospital, Madrid. May 2016-May 2021.
- Specialist attending physician in urology. Urology Department. Gipuzkoa Polyclinic June 2022-present.
- Specialist attending physician in urology. Urology Department. Bidasoa Regional Hospital. August 2022-present.
العضوية في الجمعيات العلمية
- Spanish Association of Urology.
- European Association of Urology.
- Previously Madrid Urology Society.
البحث والتدريس
Scientific papers:
- Patología Masculina. Manejo. (Male Pathology. Management) [2019] https://www.semergen.es/?seccion=formacion&subSeccion=detalleActividad&idA=227
- Curso Online Fertilidad SEF-SEMERGEN: Módulo III, Tema 20 (SEF-SEMERGEN Fertility Online Course: Module III, Subject 20).
- Abordajes laparoscópico y robótico-asistido para la linfadenectomía retroperitoneal en el contexto del cáncer testicular (Laparoscopic and robot-assisted approaches to retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in the context of testicular cancer) [2020] ISBN: 978-84-09-16825-5.
- EAU Urology Treaty: Section XI, Chapter 1.
- Participated in 35 communications and 5 videos nationally and internationally.
لغات الممارسة السريرية
Spanish, English and French.