Dr. Sergio Loscos
Dr. Sergio Loscos
Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at Sagrat Cor University Hospital in Barcelona
المجال السريري
During his training period, Dr. Loscos has developed his medical career towards the field of Sports Traumatology (Master in Sports Traumatology 2016-2018), Arthroscopic Surgery, as well as foot and ankle pathologies. He is a member of the infectious disease committee at Sagrat Cor University Hospital and a collaborating professor at the University of Barcelona.

الخبرة المهنية
- Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at Sagrat Cor University Hospital in Barcelona (since 2020)
- Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at Catalan Football Federation (Mutualidad Catalana de Futbolistas), Barcelona
Multiple training stays:
- Neuro-orthopedics (Guttmann Institute, Badalona,) January-February 2017
- Children's orthopedics (Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children’s Hospital) October-December 2017
- Sports Traumatology (CEMTRO Clinic, Madrid) March 2018
- Musculoskeletal cancer surgery (Sant Pau hospital, Barcelona) May-June 2018
- Traumatic hand surgery (MC Mutual, Barcelona) October-November 2018
- Sports Traumatology (ISMEC Clinic, Seville) April 2019
- Arthroscopic Surgery (Arthroscopic Surgery Unit – Dr. Mikel Sánchez, Vitoria) November 2019
- Foot and Ankle Surgery (Hospital del Mar, Barcelona) January-February 2020
العضوية في الجمعيات العلمية
- Member of the Spanish Association of Arthroscopy (AEA)
- Member of the Spanish Society of Sports Traumatology (SETRADE)
- Member of the Spanish Society of Foot and Ankle Surgery (SEMCPT)
- Member of the Spanish Knee Society (SEROD)
- Member of the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SECOT)
- Member of the Catalan Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SCCOT)
البحث والتدريس
- Author of multiple articles and 14 presentations at international and national conferences.
- Collaborating professor of the subject: Musculoskeletal Diseases and Arthroscopic Surgery at the University of Barcelona
Scholarships and awards
- SETRADE: Isokinec Future Football Medicine Conference, Barcelona, May 2017
- SEROD: Knee Surgery Practical Course; Seville, September 2917
- SETRADE: Sonosurgery course; Seville, November 2020
البقاء في المراكز الأجنبية
- International exchange course, during the degree in Medicine, at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
- Project volunteer in Perú; Cuzco, March 2015
لغات الممارسة السريرية
- English
- Spanish
- Catalan